Monday, November 29, 2010

Commentary 14

66. Here's a short interlude. It appears that the Prefect still believes that Joe is in his actual world, and they are messing with his dreams only - that what they are doing is all in Joe's head. Slow learner.

Roger and Sue have something up their sleeves. But the Prefect was warned, wasn't he? Recall that Sue was in charge of backing up all the data, and Roger had access to the Prefect's private code base.

67. Pity not the Prefect. As I've said, he was warned. Now his world is different from the Academia he ruled. Captive of a witch-doctor in the canyon with the figure, he is now completely at effect. Yet the Prefect thinks he hasn't seen this before. So he must not believe the reports from Joe's dreams - or doesn't think they are "real".

68. Roger and Sue reveal their plan. And they have the scoop on the Prefect and how he's been hiding all the failures so he could continue to get funding and parlay that into a huge profit for himself.

Unfortunately, these two don't know how to get out of the white room they are now in.

69. Dog and Cat to the rescue. They bring them to the cartoon Farm, which Roger and Sue had only known as a "safe" subroutine before this. Now they were experiencing it in real life.

And, as is often said in this scene, life is good.

70. Meanwhile, things are more serious for the Prefect. Orange clouds, glowing statue, and a menacing witch-doctor. Now it's raining. Of course, he hears the canyon flash-flood coming and turns to run, but finds the witch-doctor trips him up with a bola as the wave crashes down on him...

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