Sunday, November 21, 2010

Commentary 06

26. But he's now brought back to the library, and the concept of daydreaming follows him. The psychology text has a crossover datum that concludes his religious textbook was right - as well as the shaman in a different dream entirely. Things were starting to add up...

27. What he's just learned about creating inner peace shows up differently on the monitors for Roger and Sue. She is saying that the EKG readings of people meditating are different. This is also some Jose Silva influence here.

28. Joe, with the apparently limited choice he has, goes back to the Garden to start soring things out. He winds up with a very Eastern idea that all is Self, which of course is the same as "There are no limits." An interesting thought here is "Weell, that should keep them going." Looks like he may have figured out the game and how closely they are monitoring him.

29. The plot is getting more complex at this point. Yes, they can see into his dreams and what he is doing, but Roger and Sue wonder what one of their texts is doing there. Because he's getting the same data they have about dreams and so could figure out the entire scene he's going through - and that is exactly what he's up to. The book was put there by the Prefect, but they won't say his name out loud because they think he's monitoring the control room. Another tangled web.

30. Now Joe starts playing with his own dream, which means he starts to change his life. Extending beingness is just one technique which can be used, but not a common one.

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