Monday, November 22, 2010

Commentary 07

31. Cat and Dog are tuned to Joe and know his changes. Which is interesting if they are just a sub-program, isn't it? Maugh tracks are another idiocy of modern TV entertainment. I believe they are discussed in Cialdini's "Influence".

32. This point Joe makes refers to the balance of black and white effects. He's up on this figure in a state of bliss (remember he was just busy earlier extending his beingness and now winds up in this adventure dream, which Roger and Sue don't like him having). To keep awake in this dream, he has to move over to being partially on the black side as well - which has all sorts of analytical discussion we could go into at this point, particularly the symbolic and holistic approaches. Note the term "nihilistic" - it make give a clue to other activity later concerning this statue.

33. Coming full circle, he now isn't just falling and writing it all down, but actually learning to fly around like an airplane. Shades of Matrix, which only had two dreams going on at the same time.

34. Which of course shows up here as well, with the red pill / blue pill reference. But the whole concept is laid out here, the real topic of this novel we are exploring. Is reality arduous and complicated, or simple and peaceful?

35. Here we are introduced to Napoleon Hill's "Invisible Counselors" technique, from "Think and Grow Rich". And another underlying topic of this novel - that people can use Joseph Campbell's "Hero of a Thousand Faces" to analyze their own lives and those of others. Campbell took the bestselling and most popular stories of all time (myths) and boiled them down to the recurring main characters and single plot basis.

And Campbell in this section is laying it all out for him. He's created a library in his mind, with all answers to everything. The people who enter the room are some of the most significant thinkers of all time. You can see here a list of authors who influenced this novel. You may note that the unnamed kahuna doesn't show up here - nor does any author of Huna. This is also a point of the akashic records, a modern version. Tapping into the Universal (Silva, Haanel, Troward) will give you any answer you want. Creating such a room is only one technique. There are several others which are just as effetive - and all involve imagination, interestingly.

Everyone is waiting for the last chair to be filled.

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